It takes a lot of energy and determination to run a 5K.
The Alton Miles for Meso course is known among runners for its steep hills and brick streets.
It is not an easy course to run.
Julie ran in 2012 and finished in 47 minutes.
She approached the race in the same way it approached its treatments against cancer.
"You break it down to what is right in front of you and just do it," she said.
"You can not think about all you have to do, or it becomes too overwhelming."
When her treatment seemed overwhelming, Julie remembered the story of how the peacock feathers.
In India, there was a small village. A strange bush had grown up in the city center, and this bush rose the most beautiful red fruit, perfectly round. The cattle of the city, and the children who tended the place, came and ate the fruit.
Unfortunately, the berries were poisonous and cattle and children died.
When the villagers realized what had happened, they ran into the bush and cut.
The next day, the bush had grown, and livestock and children once ate the poisonous fruit and died.
The village people do not know what to do.
They went to the medicine man of the village and asked, "Oh wise medicine, tell us how we should get rid of the bush."
The medicine man replied, "You must empty boiling oil on it. This will kill the bush and poison. "
The people did as he instructed, but the next day the bush had returned.
The villagers then went to the local priest. He told them to dig the bush by the roots.
they did as they said, but the bush back.
the villagers were desperate.
then they debated what to do next, a large gray bird, dull emerged from a nearby wood and headed for the bush and began to eat the fruit.
the bird, instead of dying that villagers waited, turned bright blue and bright blue feathers fan, red and green sprouts of its tail.
a peacock can eat poison without dying, and that is how he got his feathers.
the story of the peacock helped Julie not only against the toxic asbestos that caused his cancer, but also chemotherapy required to treat it.
"I knew I could be that peacock," she said. "I could not ingest the poison and turn it into something beautiful."
Five years after his diagnosis, Julie got the tattoo of a peacock feather to remind her that she has the magical ability to transform bad into good.
You can #JoinJulie in Alton Miles for Meso 5K race the September 24 here to register.
If you are already registered, thank you.
To celebrate its ten years step, Julie got another tattoo on his right arm. A next blog will share that story, so stay tuned.