The month of October is Healthy Lung Month. This respect Health is sponsored by the American Lung Association and aims to increase national awareness of the warning signs of lung disease and the promotion of healthy lungs maintenance.
Throughout months Lung Health, activities and events will happen all over the United States in support of education and healthy life for strong, healthy lungs. The American Lung Association offers ways for everyone to get involved, including community events, activity of social media, volunteering and advocating for public policy initiatives related to lung health.
The objective of the Month healthy lung is to educate people about the warning of lung disease signs; this includes asbestos related diseases such as pleural mesothelioma, a disease of our customers to the farm struggle with every day. Pleural mesothelioma is a cancer of good lining of the lungs and is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma. It has a long latency period, with symptoms appear years after exposure to asbestos. The symptoms associated with lung disease are also frequently associated with pleural mesothelioma, including:
- chronic fluid production: Claire, a fluid produced by the respiratory tract, is a defensive reaction to an infection or irritating. Mucus production that lasts for long periods of time could indicate mesothelioma or lung disease
- Chronic cough. A persistent cough that does not go away.
- Difficulty breathing. Wheezing or difficulty taking breaths could point to a bigger problem in the chest or lungs
- chronic chest pain: unexplained chest pain that lasts for more than a month can be a warning sign of mesothelioma or pulmonary disease. It is especially critical if it gets worse when breathing or coughing
- unexplained weight
loss :. A decrease in the weight loss that is not voluntary by dieting or increased
in the exercise can be a warning sign of mesothelioma or lung disease. It is
particularly concerning if a significant amount of weight is lost in a short period of
Enter the Month of healthy lung and help spread the word about the signs of pleural mesothelioma warning and any other disease affecting the lungs. Learn more today.