Friday, September 16, 2016

Asbestos Legistation Update: Corporations Lobby for Legislative Protections While Thousands of U.S. Military Veterans Continue to Die from Asbestos Ca...

Asbestos Legistation Update: Corporations Lobby for Legislative Protections While Thousands of U.S. Military Veterans Continue to Die from Asbestos Ca... -

"If you have had a good life while working with asbestos products why not die. "


Nearly 50 years, the purchasing manager for the Bendix Corporation, part of Honeywell, wrote these words. Today, asbestos companies and their public relations gurus are still at war on cancer victims, including our veterans.

Experts estimate 30 percent of all mesothelioma victims in the United States are military veterans. This is an impressive number when you consider that between 1999 and 07, the Center for Disease Control has reported more than 23,000 Americans died of cancer linked to asbestos. That's about 7,000 men and women. To put that statistic in context, about 5,000 soldiers have died in the US war against terrorism since 2011.

Meanwhile, the companies responsible for the exposure of veterans to make deadly carcinogen pressure for new legislation in both the state and federal levels that would give sweeping advantages in the legal system, delaying and - in some cases -. refusal of compensation in desperate need for medical treatment


at the federal level, the US House of Representatives passed the so-called asbestos Promotion (FACT) Act transparency Committee claims despite bipartisan opposition. The move is a slap in the face to all victims of asbestos-related diseases, especially our veterans as we head into the weekend of Memorial Day.

Andrew Cochran wrote a warning in the legal examiner why this bill and others like it in the state are harmful to veterans, particularly former navy fighters.

Why would we dishonor Damage and veterans invading their privacy? >>>

If adopted, the so-called act FACT limit 7 e Amendment rights of asbestos victims compensation by delaying or raising legal barriers full payment trusts asbestos until the victims die, leaving families and taxpayers to pay huge medical bills.

The act prejudicial asbestos victims in three specific ways.

  1. It requires trusts to publicly disclose extensive, personal information and personal claim.
  2. This would allow asbestos lawyers defendant to require any additional information trusts at any time for almost any reason.
  3. There retroactively applies to the initial creation of the trust. This means that each victim who has already submitted or received a request for an asbestos trust will be affected.

Similar efforts to delay justice for victims of asbestos occur at the state level, too. former Wisconsin veterans expressed disappointment in the Legislature of Wisconsin to pass a similar bill that serves only to protect the companies to be held accountable for their responsibility to asbestos.

Wisconsin Assembly Disappoints Military Order of the Purple Heart by Passing Bill Delay and denial of justice to victims of asbestos >>>

similar bills are under consideration or have and already passed in Ohio, Oklahoma, and. Pennsylvania

for more than eighty years, the companies that produced and distributed products containing asbestos - and insurance companies - have tried to avoid responsibility for the death and injuries of millions of American workers and consumers caused by these products. Since before 1930, they hid the dangers of asbestos and lied about their knowledge of these dangers, is pushing to make it harder for workers to sue for their injuries, fought to weaken the protection of law, and to this day continue to deny responsibility.

The Act "transparency" is not what it claims to be - an effort to make the system more responsive to civil liability -. but simply their last positive effort to evade responsibility for their own evil

How many veterans and others have to suffer a mesothelioma diagnosis before real change that makes a real difference in the lives of these people and their families is realized?

victims expressed outrage at the efforts of one side, and you can
help. Sign the petition against the act done here.

Write your congressional leaders and tell them to support asbestos victims and not the asbestos companies. Write to the former national veterans groups and ask them to weigh and publicly warn Congress about the FACT Act.

It is not too late to simply say


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