Because mesothelioma is such a rare disease, it can sometimes be difficult to find accurate and reliable about.
In many cases, people are simply ignorant about the disease; Other times, people may misunderstand a fact or statistic related
diseases, and it can be difficult to convince them of the reality behind
of our goals in Mesothelioma Asbestos Awareness Center + is to dispel
these misconceptions and provide awareness about Mesothelioma for anyone
who is seeking information about this deadly disease.
With this goal in mind, we have identified five common myths and
misconceptions about mesothelioma and are offering a more context about
the real answers.
Myth 1: Mesothelioma is "sick old man"While it is true that, in the United States, mesothelioma affects elders in proportion greater than other demographics.
One reason for this is that mesothelioma takes many years - often decades - to form after initial exposure to asbestos.
This exposure often occurs in industrial workplaces such as factories,
mines, or construction, which are mainly dominated by men.
However, the idea that mesothelioma is simply an "old man's disease" is completely untrue.
in recent years, there has been a growing number of mesothelioma cases
detected in young people - especially young women.
Many of these women heads who have worked in industrial jobs those
mentioned above, and they will perform the first asbestos dust home on
their clothes, exposing their children to hazardous substances.
Asbestos can also affect young people in other ways.
buildings constructed before 1980 and contain some form of asbestos,
which means that children, adolescents and young adults can be exposed
at home, school, or other buildings where they can visit.
Asbestos also occurs naturally in some areas, and this can affect children living there.
Finally, outside the US, asbestos is still used in many developing
countries, where child labor laws and other regulations could easily
expose young people to asbestos on a daily basis.
Myth 2: Mesothelioma is really not a rare diseaseOne of the stranger claims that people have made about mesothelioma is that it is really not a rare disease.
This fallacy is repeated often by those who may have seen the late
night TV commercials or other advertising for mesothelioma, with the
belief that such advertisements and commercials will be broadcast only
if many people are affected.
Some of the confusion lies in determining what is a rare disease.
According to the website of Rare Disease Day, a rare disease has different definitions in Europe and the United States:
Europe: A rare disease (or disorder) affects less than 1 in 2,000 people.
USA: A rare disease (or disorder) affects fewer than 200,000 Americans at any given time.
Or by definition, then, obviously Mesothelioma is a rare disease. About
3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are detected in SH.BA every year, and
of those only about 5-10 percent live beyond five years, making it
almost impossible to statistically number of US mesothelioma survivors
to achieve ever 200,000 mark.
Myth 3: Only long-term exposure to asbestos causes mesotheliomaSome
people are aware of Mesothelioma and its links to believe asbestos
exposure such that exposure should occur over a period of time in order
to develop mesothelioma.
folks can be confusing long latency period of mesothelioma, and the
difficulty of properly diagnosing mesothelioma with asbestos exposure
initial act that caused the disease; However, it is important to note that the two events are very different.
fact, the US Agency for Environmental Protection (EPA) has stated in no
uncertain terms that there is no safe level of asbestos exposure.
This statement is not just an evaluation of the agency itself, but
from numerous medical studies and science that have shown the risk posed
by asbestos to the human body.
Although not all necessarily asbestos exposure leads to mesothelioma, there is still a strong connection between the two.
Eliminating, or at least minimize, exposure to asbestos is the single
most effective thing a person can do to reduce the risk of developing
the disease.
Myth 4: Mesothelioma affects only the lungsPleural
mesothelioma, the type of mesothelioma that is found in the lining of
the lungs, is the most common form of the disease, estimated to comprise
75 percent of all cases. However, there are other types of mesothelioma as well.
The second type of mesothelioma most common is peritoneal mesothelioma, which develops in the abdominal linings.
Researchers believe that develops peritoneal mesothelioma when inhaled
or ingested asbestos travels through the lymphatic system or by any
other method in the abdominal cavity.
Very rarely is pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the heart. This type accounts for less than 1% of all mesothelioma cases.
more rare than the above types are other forms of mesothelioma,
including testicular mesothelioma (men) and well-differentiated
papillary mesothelioma (women).
The mechanisms by which these forms of mesothelioma developed are not
well understood, and they are extremely rare, making up only a small
fraction of cases of the disease.
Myth 5: Mesothelioma victims can get millions of dollars with little effortAlthough
a number of companies that manufactured asbestos products or
asbestos-containing accepted their responsibility in exposing employees,
customers, and others to the substance lethal, there is no guarantee
that mesothelioma victims will receive compensation for their medical
expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
For one thing, it is often difficult to determine where someone could have been exposed to asbestos.
Because asbestos was used in construction products and materials so
for more than a century, finding a link between a certain exposure and
the development of the disease can be very difficult to do.
when exposure to asbestos is known to have been caused by work product
or a particular company site, that could be enough to get compensation.
companies asbestos have gone out of business or bankrupt, and while
some of these companies were required to raise believes asbestos to pay
future victims, many of these trusts are depleted of funds to the point
where victims can expect to take only a small part of what may be owed - if they get anything at all.
that exposure can be identified appropriately, and the company
responsible has enough money to afford to pay compensation, mesothelioma
victims have to go through a battle often during legal - usually at the
same time they are undergoing treatment and generally in very poor health.
But perhaps most importantly, many mesothelioma victims die before they are able to claim compensation.
Although families may be able to pursue legal action after the fact, that is little consolation for the loss of a loved one.