Saturday, November 19, 2016

male and female approach to Caregiving

male and female approach to Caregiving -

Caregiving is a role associated with women, but it is one that should not be generalized gender. Attitudes towards the traditional roles of the medical assistant evolve beyond a label from one position or another ?? is job.??[1945002d'unefemme]

Men feel more and more comfortable on the tasks that historically were carried out by women. This has led to an increasing number of men become caregivers.

A report released by Pew Internet Project Research about US caregivers said that 45 percent of caregivers in the United States are men, and that figure is set to increase.

in general caregiving falls into four main categories:

  • physical :. cleaning, cooking, washing clothes, ironing, shopping, gardening and shopping
  • Personal Care bathing, dressing and toileting
  • practices Making medical appointments and providing transportation, financial management
  • emotional support: Provide companionship and compassion

gender not important in caregiving

regarding caregiving, sex should not be a major factor other than the fact that some people may be more comfortable with the as the other. It is not uncommon for a woman to want a female caregiver, for example.

But men and women are equally capable of performing the duties. Each, however, has unique talents and strengths, and this will determine how they approach the role. Here are some examples in the Pew Research Report:

  • Participate in patient's personal needs: Women are often embarrassed when it comes to taking care of some of the most personal needs someone else. Most are mothers and fed, bathed and grooming their children until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Men, on the other hand, tend to have less experience in this area. Some may feel uncomfortable bath and toilet of their spouse or parent. Assistance Luckily paid is available to help in this area, and many men take advantage of this service
  • The caregivers in the workforce :. Women are more known than men to leave the labor force to assume a role of caregiver. Men are more likely to stay in the workforce and juggle a care role around their work commitments
  • approach tasks :. Women love to multitask. . Men focus on one thing at a time, categorization tasks in order of the most urgent and what can be left for another time
  • Asking for help: women prefer to do things themselves and will be reluctant to seek help. Men delegate tasks to someone who is more suited to the task
  • Handling difficult times :. Women tend to be emotional in case of difficulties. Men tend to think more clearly under pressure and often find a practical solution to the problem.

Caregiver Stress

For most people, caregiving is not an intended function. He comes by chance, usually because of the illness of a family member, and it is taken as an act of love.

Regardless of gender, few have sufficient training for this role and are unprepared for the emotional and physical strain that comes with it. Added to this, there is no way to know the duration of the treatment. It can last months or years.

During this period, the patient's needs vary and often degenerate, which in turn puts more responsibility on the care provider.

Inevitably, caregiver needs help. The sooner they reach for her best.

I learned this lesson when taking care of my husband when he had mesothelioma. At first I was determined to do it myself, but I have come to welcome and appreciate the support of my family and friends. As a woman, I found it easy to tell people how I felt.

Men less likely to share their emotions

Unlike women, who are generally open to sharing emotions, many men choose to keep their personal lives to themselves. They are reluctant to tell anyone about their feelings.

Unfortunately trait often leads to isolation. Facing the challenges and realities of caring for a loved one on their own is not a good strategy.

But all caregivers need to understand that whatever the sex, they are not alone. Many men worldwide face similar challenges, and there are more resources available to help them.

online support groups for men

The Internet is an invaluable resource for caregivers, providing a wealth of information as well as ways for people to connect similar to each other through online forums.

most forums are nongender specific, but there are a growing number of resources for caregivers that are available for men.

Community Caregiver Male, men who face similar challenges communicate with each other on a variety of topics and situations they encounter. There are many tips give and take based on personal experience. Participants can remain anonymous ?? something that often helps them feel comfortable sharing their emotions.

Once you become a community member, you can access an online library where you can find many articles and papers on caregiving.

help male caregivers in our communities

There is much to be done to help male caregivers in our communities. Employers and legislators must recognize the vital role that men play in relieving the burden on our health system.

Therefore, working hours for men who are providing care and maintain full-time employment should be flexible so that they can balance their workload with their responsibilities 'caregivers.

Support could also come from the media. While women are the focus of many stories worthy, care, increased public awareness on male caregivers help in the growth of aid to caregivers male.

Regardless of gender, caregiving is a noble role and all caregivers should be recognized and thanked for the invaluable and selfless work they do.

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