Earlier this year, the family of Wendell Mason, who died of mesothelioma, was featured on the NBC station local Kansas City on mesothelioma and the dangers of asbestos exposure in the home. Last week, the Masons are returned to the news in an article entitled "Facing the mesothelioma needless tragedy." The article was by Thomas Bogdon and appeared on the online news site KCTribune.com.
good news, as quoted in the article, is that the city of Olathe, Kansas, declared September 26 as mesothelioma awareness Day, partly through the work of Elizabeth Mason and his two daughters and adult son. This is a significant achievement and I congratulate the Freemasons for their dedication to awareness
the bad news, as I told Mr. Bogdon when he interviewed for this article, is that asbestos. - known carcinogen cause mesothelioma - still imported to the United States the need for research and better treatment options continues to remain urgent and disastrous for thousands of families currently in the fight against disease
I congratulate Mr. Bogdon to cover that difficult. subject to such a thoughtful and compassionate manner. The Freemasons are a courageous family, and it is wonderful to see their hard work pay off.